Homemade Diy Moisturizer For Dry Skin

I use to have really dry skin before now, trust me, its aint cool. Dry skin isnt a pretty sight to behold, with all those flakky, chapped and cracked skin, ewwwww. Worst still during Summer seasons it could be really really bad. Anyways, the best remedy for dry skin is staying hydrated ( water please! No surgary drinks, if at all must be limited) , eating fresh fruits with high water content, and above all moisturize.
So let's take a sneak peek at a simple homemade diy moisturizer for dry skin

 Homemade Diy Moisturizer for dry skin

-1/2 Cup Olive Oil (or Almond or other oil)
-1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
-1/4 Cup Beeswax Pellets
- 10 drops of Essential oils .( lavender is always my favourite)
1. Combine the Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and Beeswax into a heat proof jug or large jar.
2. Put the jug/jar in a saucepan and fill the pan with water until it comes 3/4 of the way up the jug/jar.
3. Put it on a low heat on the stove. Heat and stir it until it has melted (About 5 minutes)
4. Now empty out the hot water from the pan and replace it with cold water to the same level. Put the jug/jar back into the pan. (This helps to cool the moisturizer down quickly
5. Add your essential oil to the jug/jar now if you are using.
6. Now to finish this quickly, use an electric whisk to quickly whip the ingredients into a moisturizer. OR if you don’t have a whisk you can use a fork and give it a good stir.  You may have to stir this every 5 minutes until the texture is thick and creamy.

Let me know in the comment section when you give this a try...


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