How to stop bad breath naturally
We all experience bad breath sometimes, especially in the mornings after waking up. I will be sharing some proven ways on how to stop bad breath naturally.
Bad breath can be a great embarrassment most especially when we are in the midst of people or just trying to cuddle with our partners. When bad breath becomes prolonged like all through the day, even after brushing, it is termed halitosis.
Some common causes of bad breath
Bad breath can be a great embarrassment most especially when we are in the midst of people or just trying to cuddle with our partners. When bad breath becomes prolonged like all through the day, even after brushing, it is termed halitosis.
Some common causes of bad breath
- Improper brushing of teeth.
- Dry mouth ( Xerostomia).
- Not drinking enough water.
- Not flossing frequently.
- Diet.
- Dental carries.
Knowing the particular cause of bad breath would enable you find an adequate solution to fix it.
How to stop bad breath naturally.
- Flossing
When it comes to general hygiene of the mouth, flossing is extremely important.
How do you floss?
Simply get a dental floss ( usually a thin rope or fancy handles with thin ropes in between edges) and gently pull it in between teeth.
Areas where your tooth brush cannot reach, can easily be cleaned by flossing.
- Drink plenty of water.
Hydrating the mouth stimulates adequate saliva production. Which in turn prevents the occurrence of xerostomia ( dry mouth).
Try as much as you can to limit sugary intake or brush your teeth immediately after you consume such foods.
- Baking soda
Baking soda has an amazing mouth odour removal properties.
Try a little Diy home remedy mouth wash with baking soda.
How to do
1 tbs baking
1 tbs salt
75cl bottled water
Shake vigorously and use as a natural mouth wash.
- Apple cidar vinegar
Apple cidar vinegar when used as a mouth wash, eliminates bacteria causing bad breath.
How to do
1 tsp apple cidar vinegar
1 cup warm water
Shake vigorously, and use as mouth wash.
- Tongue scrapping
Tongue scrapping is the use of a spoon or a flat plastic material to scrap the tongue surface. 80% of oral bacteria are embedded in the tongue, of which tooth brushes alone cannot remove them.
A recent US survey of about 1000 case study noted. 50% used tongue scrapping technique and a mild antiseptic mouth wash before brushing. The other 50% used only mild antiseptic before brushing, without the tongue scrapping, technique over a 6 months period.
Significant oral improvement was noted in people who used the tongue scrapping process as opposed to those that did not.
Other ways includes, proper brushing and avoiding eating certain spices like garlic, onion and ginger in its raw form.
Read also, 5 ways to naturally whiten your teeth
Read also, 5 ways to naturally whiten your teeth
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