How to stop bad breath naturally
We all experience bad breath sometimes, especially in the mornings after waking up. I will be sharing some proven ways on how to stop bad breath naturally. Bad breath can be a great embarrassment most especially when we are in the midst of people or just trying to cuddle with our partners. When bad breath becomes prolonged like all through the day, even after brushing, it is termed halitosis. Some common causes of bad breath Improper brushing of teeth. Dry mouth ( Xerostomia). Not drinking enough water. Not flossing frequently. Diet. Dental carries. Knowing the particular cause of bad breath would enable you find an adequate solution to fix it. How to stop bad breath naturally. Flossing When it comes to general hygiene of the mouth, flossing is extremely important. How do you floss? Simply get a dental floss ( usually a thin rope or fancy handles with thin ropes in between edges) and gently pull it in between teeth. Areas where your tooth brush canno...