Some Natural Organic Ingredients

Organic skincare could simply be defined as the use of natural products and ingredients, to satisfy our skin needs.
Have you ever taken your time to observe or even wonder why people in the rural areas tend to have a 'fresher' skin than those in the urban areas? The reason is not far fetched.
They use unadulterated ingredients for virtually all they do. For instancde, palm kernel oil!
I remember when i was much younger and we all left(as a family) to the village, to see our grandparents.
I was beyond mortified to see them rubbing on palm oil, i mean RED palm oil. It looked really weird, and i was thinking that perhaps poverty was the reason why anyone would decide rubbing on red palm oil on the skin. I mean, whatever else reason could there be for that?
So now well i'm grown, i know alot better. The red palm oil is not just good for the skin, but Great!, fabulous!...
Civilization has come with its numerous benefits and side effects.
Yes, chemical products are okay, at least they make our lives alot easier and other things we are being told it does to us. But have you considered the after effects these synthetic ingredients does to your skin? Things like cancer, skin irritations, hyperpigmentation and so on.
Organic skincare had been and will forever remain the best option for us.


-shea butter
-coconut oil
-carrot oil
-cinnamon powder
-sandalwood powder
- neem powder
-aloe vera
-orange peels
Let's get back to our root, as mother nature does it best.

Read also Organic Remedy Of Some Common Skin Problems

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