How to beat the ageing process

Most people find it challenging taking care of their skin. I believe skin care routine should be valued just the same way we plan our daily meals. Because, the skin being our outer covering, to a large extent, portrays what we eat. People most often than not judge us by how healthy our skin look.
Unfortunately, as we age, our skin bears the brutal effects of ageing, it is inevitable anyways. However, there are skin care routines we can adopt to slow down the ageing process.
Below are listed some skin care routine you can use to beat that ageing effect on your skin.
1. Nourishment
Respect your body and you will get the same treatment! It is important to give your body all the vital nutrients it needs to have radiant, healthy skin and to stay youthful for a longer period. Skin nourishment comes in different forms and they are extremely important like nutrition, hydration and oxygen.
Out of many, two most easy practices to follow are to drink adequate water throughout the day and try breathing deeply as much as possible. Having right nutrition could be trickier, but make sure to consume lots of green vegetables, fruits, dark leafy greens, water-rich fruits, etc.
2. Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing
Another basic yet effective practice to take the best care of the ageing skin is to follow skin cleansing, toning and moisturizing. These skin care practices will help to renew the freshness of the skin by shredding off the skin dead cells. Cleansing is a process that is effective in removing impurities while moisturizing will add extra protection from the pollutants in the environment.
3. Exfoliate
Exfoliation is a medical beauty procedure that keeps the skin in good condition. It is important to exfoliate the skin at least once in a week. Organic body Scrubs like milk/brownsugar scrub, tomatoes/honey scrubs are excellent for skin.
People having a busy schedule can make use of the chemical peel (e.g yellow peeling oil) as this entire process takes least time to take best care of the ageing skin. Scrubbing helps in eliminating the dead cells on the top layer of skin that often results in dull facial appearance. But it is important to be very careful about the quality of the scrubs as using poor quality can often scratch the skin and can cause more spoils than good. The reason organic scrubs are always the best option.
It gets even more important to keep the skin glowing with the use of right skin care products techniques and by eating well.

Read also, Some common organic ingredients


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